The cost of consecutive interpreting is based on the overall quantity of hours necessary for conducting conference, forum or negotiations.
The price for 1 hour of consecutive interpreting starts from 2000RUB.
Please pay special attention: you should provide the materials (reports, presentations, other documents) beforehand (15 days in advance) in order the interpreter has time to get acquainted with special terminology, abbreviations of organisations and names of the participants. Such time frames are set according to The General Conditions of Work adopted by the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC): “For their technical and terminological preparation the organiser shall send the interpreters a complete set of documents(program, agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, reports, etc.) in each of the working languages of the conference as early as possible, but not later than 15 days before the beginning of the conference.”
One page – 1800 symbols (including Enter) according to MS Word statistics.
Names spelling and special terminology are specified additionally when placing an order.
To find out the price and time frames exactly, please, e-mail us the documents: